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Pada semester 2, perkuliahan dimulai 1 Oktober 2018 dan berakhir 24 Januari 2019.
Seperti yang tertuang disini: pada semester 2 aku harus mengambil mata kuliah paketan, sama seperti semester sebelumnya.
  1. Modern processing of non-ferrous metals – 4 ECTS
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari Revision of traditional materials and technologies used in mass production.
2. New materials and trends in non-ferrous metal production
3. Unconventional technologies in metallurgy and materials science
4. Analysis of the standards and literature related to innovative materials and products.
5. Modern technical and technological solutions in drawing, rolling, extrusion and forging processes (devices, tools, automatic technologies, packaging)
6. Continuous processes of non-ferrous metals
7. Nanotechnology of non-ferrous metal processing
8. Methods of quality testing of non-ferrous metal processing
Lalu penilaian terdapat pada presentasi berkaitan dengan proses produksi non-ferrous metals. Presentasi ini termasuk dalam komponen penilaian project.
2. Innovative extrusion process of metals and alloys – 3 ECTS
Pada Mata kuliah ini kami mempelajari:
Applications of innovative extruded products. 
Characteristics of conventional and innovative metal extrusion processes.
Innovative extrusion dies and devices. 
Factors influencing the formability of metals and alloys during extrusion. 
Factors influencing the weldability of metals and alloys during extrusion. 
New method and device for weldability testing of metals and alloys. 
FEM numerical modelling of metals extrusion processes.
Penilaiannya ada pada presentasi dari paper tebal dan paper tipis dari Jurnal dan Light Metal Age Magazine. Selain itu penilaiannya pada ujian akhir berbentuk pilihan ganda tentang macam-macam proses ekstrusi pada metal dan alloy.
3. Advanced sheet metal forming – 3 ECTS
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari:
Fundamental research for special sheet and tube forming,
Forming of the open and closed profile from strip,
Incremental sheet forming,
Multi-point forming, 
Flow forming
Shear forming, .
Laser forming,
Water-jet forming,
Stretch forming,
Explosive forming,
Modern methods of control and automation: photogrammetry and termovision, expert systems.
Terdapat Laboratory classes dan project classes.
Laboratory classes mempelajari:
Selection of forming tool materials.
Selection of the lublicants.
Selection of the flow forming process parameters.
Selection of the incremental sheet forming process parameters.
Selection of the forming with other types of tools.
Sedangkan project classes mempelajari:
The design of a selected advanced plastic forming process.
Penilaian terdapat pada laboratory classes (lab bersama-sama namun laporan individu), project classes berkelompok (project pembentukan metal berdasarkan studi literatur) dan ujian akhir essay tentang sheet metal forming.
4. Automation of experiments and analysis of results in materials science – 5 ECTS
Pada mata kuliah ini kami mempelajari :
Introduction to signal conversion (A/D and D/A)
Interfaces programming (USB, GPIB) in C++
Device programming in C++
Design measuring and acquisition systems
Accuracy of conversion, measurement errors
Converters of physical value on electric signal
Microcontrolers (Arduino system)
Acquisition and visualization of data
Sedangkan laboratory nya mencakup topik berikut:
A/D and D/A converters. Operation and accuracy
Data acquisition from USB and GPIB interface
Construction of simple measuring systems
Conversion force→voltage, movement→voltage
Tensometers, force and deformation measurement
Different methods for temperature measurements (thermocouple, semiconductor sensors, resistance sensors)
Application of Arduino system to simple automation of processes
Selain itu project classes:
On the basis of the literature studies each student will present report or oral presentation concerning particular problems related to the practical aspects application for example arduino system to simple automation of processes.
Penilaiannya terdapat pada presentasi materi automasi dan praktik langsung di laboratorium menggunakan software arduino.
5. Product quality management – 3 ECTS
The module will provide information on product quality management and lean, kaizen and six sigma methodology.
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari:
-Lean Manufacturing Methodology. 
-Foundations of modern production systems – 5S, teamwork, standardization, elimination of waste.
-5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) – methodology associated with the organization of the workplace.
-The role and form of teamwork (quality circles, brainstorming).
-Standardization of processes as the foundation of stability and possibilities to improve. Standardization methods.
-Forms of waste and how to prevent them (MUDA) .
-Identifying and mapping processes and Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
-The methodology of Kaizen – continuous improvement. 
-Terms Gemba Kaizen.
-Pillars of production systems – TPM, SMED, Six Sigma, SPC.
-TPM – a comprehensive maintenance – Maintenance forms.
-SMED – minimizing set-uptimes of machines and equipment – forms of assessment and improve efficiency.
-DMAIC – modified PDCA Demingcircleused in the optimization of Six Sigma projects.
-Methods and tools of Six Sigma.
-Statistical Process Control (SPC).
-Quality Control Chart.
-The role and forms of the timing in production processes. 
-Dedicated Computed Expert Systems.
-Product Quality Control of in the industry
Sedangkan penilaiannya ialah ujian essay tentang PQM
6. Język angielski B2+ – obowiązkowy kurs języka specjalistycznego na studiach II stopnia dla studentów Wydziału Metali Nieżelaznych – 2 ECTS
English B2 + – a compulsory specialized language course at the second level studies for students of the Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals
Classes in the module are carried out in the form of exercises.
Repetition and extension of issues discussed in the B-2 course.
Introduction and practice in various contexts of vocabulary and phraseology in the following areas: 
1. A) History of metallurgy from antiquity to copper processing in the period from the Middle Ages to the industrial revolution 
B) History of metallurgy: the present and the beginning of the New Science 
2. Contemporary metallurgy: the characteristics of metals and their characteristics 
3. Modern metallurgy: recycling – secondary metal acquisition 
4. Contemporary metallurgy: forming processes 
5. Contemporary metallurgy: precious metals – historical outline and their obtaining from sulphides 
6. Chemistry and metallurgy: ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys 
7. Chemistry and metallurgy: characteristics of zinc, cadmium, molybdenum, tungsten and titanium
8. Corrosion of metals: general information 
9. Zinc: use (general discussion) and methods of corrosion protection (detailed discussion)
1. Reading comprehension of scientific texts, articles 
2. Preparing for self-writing of a scientific text, publication, thesis 
3. Presentation of the presentation 
4. Preparation for the recruitment process (resume, letter, interview)
Mata kuliah ini penilaiannya ialah ujian listening dan tertulis berkaitan dengan kosakata metalurgi dan material, resume, cover letter, interview dan presentasi teknis mengenai ilmu teknologi material dan metalurgi
7. Hydrometallurgical methods for transition metals, nanomaterials and nanocomposites – 2 ECTS
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang:
1. From ancient times to the present day. The history of nanotechnology.
2. Chemical properties of transition metals. 
3. Hydrometallurgical methods of transition metals synthesis – part I.
4. Hydrometallurgical methods of transition metals synthesis – part II.
5. Colloids synthesis stability. Steric and electrostatic stabilization – effect of Zeta potential.
6. Mie Theory. Physical properties of transition metals – part I.
7. Silver nanoparticles synthesis, properties and applications.
8. Gold nanoparticles synthesis, properties and applications.
9. ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles synthesis, properties and applications.
10. Platinum and palladium nanoparticles synthesis, properties and applications.
11. Hybrid materials: Synthesis.
12. Hybrid materials: Properties and applications.
13. Others methods for colloids and nanocomposites materials synthesis, properties and applications.
14. Closing lectures and remarks.
Selain itu terdapat lab classes seminggu sekali tentang:
0. OHS training, occupational health and safety training. (3h)
1. Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles. Study of physical and chemical properties of ZnO. (3h)
2. Application of TEM and SEM methods for nanomaterials ( e.g. Ag nanoparticles) morphology analysis. (3h)
3. Synthesis of hybrid materials. Study of physical and chemical properties. (3h)
4. Examination (2h) – multiple choice test.
Penilaiannya ialah ujian pilihan ganda, laporan lab yang harus benar, jika kurang tepat dikembalikan. Terdapat juga lab class penggunaan TEM di ACMiN (Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii) AGH
8. Modern surface engineering – 3 ECTS
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari tentang:
1. The tasks of surface engineering, selection criteria for the manufacturing method of the surface layer, design constraints 
2. Tribology, surface layer, friction, wear, corrosion 
3. Weld clad coatings, plated coatings
4. Thermal spraying methods
5. Physical and chemical vapour deposition methods 
6. Methods to study the properties of coatings and protective layers 
7. Advanced technologies supporting surface engineering processes of operation and manufacturing 
8. The industrial use of coatings and protective layers
Selain itu terdapat lab classes:
1. Microstructure examinations and hardness measurement of coating applied by different methods of thermal spraying
2. Comparison of the microstructure of coatings applied by thermal spraying as a function of the chemical composition 
3. Microstructure examinations and hardness measurement of coating applied by CVD and PVD
4. Statistical analysis of the porosity of coatings applied by plasma spraying and HVOF methods
5. X-ray measurement of the thickness of coating layers
6. Analysis of the Raman spectra
Penilaiannya adalah laporan lab classes dan laporan kunjungan industri ke Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN Krakow.
9. Polish Language A2+ – 2 ECTS
Mata kuliah ini wajib untuk mahasiswa asing AGH. Karena saya sudah lulus kursus intensif bahasa Polandia level A2 di Politechnika Krakowska, maka saya memilih level A2+. Mata kuliah ini mengulang kembali apa yang saya pelajari sewaktu di PK. Namun terdapat juga materi tentang subjek sains (fisika, kimia dan matematika) dalam bahasa Polandia dimana saya belum mempelajari hal tersebut.
Penilaian mata kuliah ini adalah partisipasi konferensi ilmiah untuk orang asing di AGH (saya mempresentasikan tentang budaya Indonesia dibawakan dalam bahasa Inggris namun abstractnya berbahasa Polandia) dan kehadiran 100%.
10. Marketing – 5 ECTS
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari tentang:
Basics of marketing
Introduction to marketing, roots, definition, fundamental principles, orientations in the activities of enterprises, basic tools, sectoral approach. Buyer 
Segmentation and positioning strategies. 
Market environment of the company and its impact on marketing decision making. Obtaining the necessary data and information 
Marketing-mix (from 4P to 7P) 
Product as an element of marketing. 
Pricing policy of the entrepreneur. 
Distribution – the essence, basic strategies, types of channels, network design and physical distribution 
. Promotion policy, its essence, basic forms of promotion, determinants of decisions promotional companies, stages of creating a promotional program
Penilaiannya ialah presentasi kelompok berkenaan dengan topik yang diberikan. Pada presentasi tersebut saya memberikan contoh marketing pada usaha saya di


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